Since my last post, life has been a little bit crazy. I was blessed to go home and witness the wedding of one of my very good friends. It was a whirlwind weekend made even better by the gruesome fact that I had salmonella poisoning. Let me tell you, if you've never had it, you don't want it. I didn't let that slow me down a whole lot, and in the 60 hours I was home, I had breakfast and lunch (though i didn't actually eat much due to good ol' sal) with my brother, spent a few hours with another friend from elementary/middle/high school, had dinner and ice cream with my family, visited my favorite coffee shop in Erie, met Brian's wonderful fiance and had a game night, went to the wedding, hung out with my family again, watched (more like slept through) a movie, went to church, and out to lunch with my pastor and his wife. Those events sandwiched between two ten hour drives made for a sleepy Monday.
All of that happened, and then suddenly, it was May. That blew my mind a little bit because I'm fairly certain we just rang in the new year about 2 1/2 weeks ago. I blinked again and we're already a fourth of the way through May. Time doesn't always make sense to me. Why do minutes in the morning go so much faster than minutes at the end of the school day? Why is our perception of time so incredibly different. Why when we're children do we dread the long years of adulthood, and then in our late twenties try to slow the clock to keep hold on our youth? The seconds are the same. We change.
The lovely bride and groom on their beautiful day |