On a completely unrelated note, i almost got mugged on saturday. See we are strongly advised against walking downtown after dark...advised by way of possible demerits, but on Saturday night four of us decided to grab some ice cream downtown. Knowing the rule about walking downtown, we all jumped in katie's car and drove to the ice cream place. We enjoyed our ice cream, and decided we had better start heading out (they were locking up the place). Once we got outside, Rachel and i saw the pole, that our good friend Alex had run his car into about 2 and a half weeks ago, was right next door. So we walked to the pole, had a good laugh, and turned to walk back when Korinne suggested we just walk a little further to the bridge. No one really seemed to have a problem with the idea, except for rachel and i, and that was only because we were cold. On the way to the bridge, we experienced several honks and whistles from the cars driving by, and we started getting a little creeped out. Then we saw three guys walking up the street. I begged out loud for them to be guys we knew, but they weren't and they started yelling at us from across the street. As they yelled, we began to walk faster, but not fast enough, and suddenly we heard one of them run across the street straight at us. He was doing it to freak us out, and he definitely accomplished that...so yeah, lesson learned...i'm not every walking downtown again...Below are pics from the night of our "near-mugging" :-D

Yeah there's a giant chicken
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