So today was the first Saturday here at camp, and it was definitely nice to have a break around here. Living with my roommates is anything but boring. Last night I went to bed dreaming of sleeping in until 7:45, only to wake up at 6 am to hear about 5 people getting up to deep clean the trailer we are living in. All I kept thinking when I looked at the clock was that I didn’t know that 6am on Saturday morning even existed. Despite my desire to get out of bed and lovingly rebuke them with the back of my hand J , I resisted the urge and slept off and on until about 7:30. Saturdays are the days that everyone comes a gives the camp an overhaul cleaning to get ready for the next week. It was a pretty light day today since we’ve been cleaning all week and campers have not yet arrived to make messes J. We were done before 10 when we all got together for a massive and amazing brunch. Then we hung out for a bit before Charles and I went to town. “Going to town” consists of driving about 45 minutes to Shreveport and enjoying the Walmart, target, and mall. I even bought three heavy sweaters (of course, I bought them to wear at school) at Old Navy for three dollars a piece. They were three dollars because it is summer in LA, and that means it’s about 95 degrees out right now. Maybe they got the boxes meant for Anchorage….Anyway, now we’re back at camp just hanging around and I’m going to go swimming tonight. Charles informed me that there was a dead scorpion in the pool last night…I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the wildlife here…
The other thing I wanted to tell you all about was how my focus has changed since I’ve gotten here…I got here and I was pretty frustrated about how everything wasn’t going the way I wanted it to. I was being pretty selfish. I even had a friend call me so I could just unload. The next day, I sent them a text thanking them for listening and they returned a text telling me that they hoped I had a great summer with no regrets that would hopefully make a difference in someone else’s life. That’s all it took was for someone to remind me that this is not all about me, but about what God can do through me in the life of campers….i’m trying to remember that all summer…
Keep praying J and my email address is coming on Monday!!!