NC was fun...we went to justin's baseball game, ate japanese, ate cookout (drive-thru burger place-we took this to the school for justin, alli, and corey), went to church, tried to make a bonfire with wet wood and entirely too much gasoline, and hung out at rachel's watching movies and eating ice cream....we also hit a coffee shop, the orthodontist, and walmart...where i got a new camera. Then, i failed at taking pics in my remaining time...
well...i took some with rachel in the car but they didn't really turn out well.
Saturday, i headed to was crown. i saw ppl, and remembered why i transferred. Andy's dad paid us twenty bucks for cheering for andy...who graduated with his masters. go andy! Lauren and i ran all over doing stuff...we went downtown, held snakes, drove to maryville...sat alone at our table at Cali' to see amber for 2.7 seconds at chik fil a and took fun pics...which i will show u. Then tuesday morning, charles and i jumped in the car and headed home....we got here, went out with mom and dad...i came back chatted with some ppl online and then crashed into bed around 8 and slept all night...I'm here for 2 1/2 weeks and then off to i'll post when i can, but i don't know how often that will be.

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