Friday, September 30, 2011
God Closes a Door
Last Great Hope
I just finished Our Last Great Hope by Ronnie Floyd. The book discusses the need for God's people to carry out the Great Commission. It talks about the urgency and the fact that the church has fallen asleep in the face of this great need. I feel like I can sum up the book this way, "what could you be doing that you aren't doing to further the Great Commission and see souls saved in your community and across the world? Question answered? Go do it!" It was convicting and heart breaking to see the things that we have really dropped the ball on, yet Floyd offers hope by encouraging his readers that they can only do what they can do, but if everyone does what they can do, the job will get done. Floyd is a Southern Baptist pastor that worked on a committee to design a plan that could actually accomplish world evangelism. Now his dream is to see that plan executed and world evangelism once again become a reality.
The book was interesting. I can't say the writing gripped me, but the topic did. All that being said i do disagree with one premise of the book. That is that we are the last great hope. I know that this is not what the author intended, but I feel that I mus say it. God can accomplish His will however he wishes, but He has chosen to let us be a part of it.
I received this book as a part of the Booksneeze program. I was not required to write a positive review.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Are you Ready?!?
Sunday, September 11, 2011
I am a people watcher. Today was a primo day for people watching. The very first lady i noticed was about 80 or 90 and she was walking around in a suprisingly fashionable blue and white striped dress (not something I would wear, but I was impressed). She seriously showed up at every sale we were at. Some times in a car and sometimes on foot. To be honest, it was a little creepy lol. The second was the lady in the huge knit poncho. It was 80 degrees out and this lady was walking around with a blanket on. I was dying for her!! I really wanted to suggest she buy something, anything to wear instead. There was also a sale from people who must have owned a bridal shop. I could have gotten my own wedding dress for $50 brand new. They had about 15.
My purchases today included some Dr. Seuss stuffed animals for my future classroom, a coffee mug that you can write on with chalk, a new shirt, some jewelry, and a cool little cup from Japan.
Now for my tips on yard sales... #1 Do not try to hike up the price on broken items. It's stupid and just makes me stop looking at all the rest of your stuff. #2 I don't care if you only used it a few times. If it's at a yard sale, on the curb, don't expect me to pay 60 dollars for something you paid 65 for. #3 having lunch available is genius!!! I didn't take advantage today, but good thinking. #4 Just be nice! Its not that hard! and finally #5 Advertise!!! We probably missed a ton of sales because we got tired of hunting for them.
Thursday, September 01, 2011
Mixed Feelings on Life
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
A Vision for the world
Friday, August 19, 2011
Fresh Brewed Life
Overall the book was well written to include anecdotes and journaling prompts that I found to be very helpful. The book is very much directed at married women, so there were parts I skimmed fairly quickly that were not meant for me at the stage of life I'm currently in. While the book didn't "blow me away," I am by no means sad or disappointed with it.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Love You More
I received this book for free as a part of the Booksneeze program of Thomas Nelson Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Book Review Wednesday!! (with a personal twist)
When I started reading this book, I thought "please let this book be good! It's so funny!" And it was, but the humor didn't mask or downplay the importance of the contents. I highly recommend this book!
I received a free copy of this book through the Blogging for Books program of Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers. i was not required to write a positive review.
You can purchase a copy of this book here.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
200th post...without a catchy title
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Book Review Wednesday!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Birthday girl's birthday adventure...
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Hot days and Iced Coffees
Vacation Bible school has been going on this week. At first I wasn't so sure I was going to want to drive an hour each way to get there each night, but I've made it for three and Im going tonight. I can't really begin to describe the blessing it has been to my life. I've been really growing this year, mainly through pain, but this week God is growing me through joy. I love seeing those little kids falling in love with Jesus for the first time or falling more in love with who He is. It has also been really nice not being the one in charge for a change...though I admit I've been itching to takeover a few times.
I did encounter a very comical but serious thing last week in my life. Now, Izzy is my car. She is very...special. I'm convinced that she's bitter about living outside because she regularly likes to visit garages and spend a night or two indoors. Last week, I decided it was finally time to get my brakes fixed. My first clue was stomping on them to stop and wondering if i would actually stop a few times. My amazing brother told me that whatever it cost, he wanted to pay for it. Neither of us imagined what he had gotten himself into. The call came. My rear drums were cracked and falling apart. My front brakes...the pads...well, they were nonexistent. 556.95 I literally got sick to my stomach. With rent, student loan payments, and life I couldn't afford it, but there was NO way I expected my brother to pay for it. He called and asked for the estimate. I hesitantly told him...He didn't even breathe deeply, just said, "ok, i'll have to send it to you in two parts." My jaw dropped. I literally almost cried in the middle of the restaurant i was waiting for my car in. Let me explain my car situation for those of you who don't know....last summer I had no money, no job, and no car. God provided 1500 dollars and suddenly appeared my car on craigslist for 1500 with new tires already. Then i got to school, in november, her water pump died. 251 dollars...a check came in the mail (from that amazing brother) for 175. Then in January, a poorly plowed parking lot resulted in a torn off exhaust system. The company paid for half...the other half was up to me. 400 dollars. My parents gave me 400 dollars for Christmas to pay for my car. March. Car inspection...only cost me 114. I was sure it was going to be worse. June. My car started overheating. Took it to the garage, a sensor replaced 159.75. The next sunday my church in WI gave me 200 dollars for my car repairs. July. Brakes. 556.95. Little brother taking care of it. I have amazing friends and family, but more important and AMAZING, INCREDIBLE God.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Life without internet
Ive been dealing with life, and Im super happy to say that things are looking pretty awesome. I have great friends, great family and a GREATER God. currently watching a girl push her car down the read...ya, i feel bad for her. anyway, back to a little more real life and a little less virtual life :)
Second Half of book review wed :)
I highly recommend this can click here to see its product page :)
I received this book for free as a part of the the Blogging for Books program of the publisher.
Book Review Wednesday
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Why God won't go away
As far as reading level goes, this book is pretty high. I was very excited to read a word i didn't know used a few times in this book. I like books that challenge not just my thinking, but my vocabulary.
I received this book for free as a part of the Booksneeze program of Thomas Nelson Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Every Single Woman's Battle...
Each chapter of this book is broken down into a few sections. It is introduced by quoting a passage or two from the books I listed above. Then the reader is challenged to examine their own lives to discover where they are struggling. Then they have a section for group discussion, and every chapter is finished off with a prayer. I have to give this book about a 3 out of 5 stars, but I highly recommend reading and discussing it while you read Every Woman's Battle.
I received this book for free as a part of the Blogging For Books program with the publisher. I was not required to write a postive review.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
My Heart. My homes
Home #1 is the one i have known my whole life, and yet if it weren't for my church, it wouldnt really be home at all. I mean my parents live there, but theres far more to it than that. Walnut Creek Baptist Church is the church I started attending when i was 7 years old. For those of you wondering, its not a "praise band" church. It has conservative standards that serve as guardrails for people who live and raise their children and families in that church. The standards do not serve as shackles. I miss that church dearly. It's where I got saved, baptized, and taught so many things about life and love. It's this church that sent my family Christmas presents just a few months after we began attending. It's this church that supported our family when my dad had cancer. It's this church that prayed for me through years of college. It's this church that I can walk into and feel at home at anytime. When I was 12 or 13, our church welcomed a new pastor. It was tough at first. We didn't have a lot of the guardrails he wanted to put in place. We didnt want them. We thought he might have been a little power hungry. Years later I look back and i know he was exactly what God had for us at that time. He is the man that was exactly what we needed. Of course, with a pastor, comes his children. I was intimidated. As a "nerd," I got intimidated easily. Tomorrow (Friday) one of his daughters will get married. I'm happy to say that my intimidation was ill founded and i found friends among his children. They truly want to live for Christ in a world where it's not always easy. I found many other friends at WCBC. Some are still in my life and some broke my heart. They walked away from me as they walked away from God and the church (not that walking away from a particular church building is walking away from God, but in some cases, thats just how it works). As we entered college, my youth group friends began to tentatively reach to discover what we really believed. I am happy to say, that most of what I found was what I had already been taught. Our church has grown as we have. At first our searching was examined and a little misunderstood. There were hurt feelings and frustration to work through, but its amazing that once lines of communication were opened, we understood what was going on...on both sides. No church is perfect, and there are things that can always be improved, but I'm so happy to call that place home. I don't understand how people can be brought up around such amazing, loving people, and turn away from all they have been taught and experienced. I know God's word will not return void. For those of you there, I miss you all more than words can say. My heart has been aching lately to return home, even for a little while, but I know that God has my here at this time in my life for a reason.
Home #2. When I started my time at mbbc I didn't really know what I was getting myself into. I prayed that I was making the right choice. I had peace that I was, but I knew no one. Through God's evident leading, He brought me to Berean Baptist Church. I've been there for 4 years, and I have learned that the body of Christ I was a part of at WCBC wasn't limited to that church. I have found families that have taken us in for meals and good times. I have found friends that spiritually challenge me, and I have found a place to use my talents to serve my God. I am so thankful to know that I have a home away from home.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Life Lately...
My amazing brother got me a new phone. He's pretty awesome. He's basically the coolest brother ever. I now have an electronic leash to the rest of the world at all times. Not sure how I always feel about that.
There are a few down dips on this roller coaster of life, but this isn't the time or place to talk about them. Overall, my life is basically as amazing, except for those few unsavory parts that aren't. I find it interesting that Obama won on his platform of change. Change is awful. Even when it sounds good at first, it usually ends up causing tension and irritation. Yay change! :-/ lol
Monday, June 20, 2011
God's Love Letters Review
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
This one got it!
I received this book from the publisher for free as a part of the "Booksneeze" program. I was not require to write a positive review
Sorely Disappointed :(
I received this book free as a part of the publisher's "Blogging for Books" program. I was not required to write a positive review.
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
The Waiting Place........hmmmm
I recieved this book free as a part of the Booksneeze program of Thomas Nelson Publishing
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Picking my scabs...
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Untamed made me hungry...
Though this may sound strange, I found my favorite part of the book to be the discussion questions included after every chapter. Though they were tied to the chapter itself, there were many times that I wouldn't at all have gleaned something from the chapter had it not been for these questions.
You can order this book here.
You can read an excerpt here.
I received this book as part of the Blogging For Books program with this publisher.
The Seraph Seal
It is fortunate for this book's rating that I don't rely on fiction for doctrine. Doctrinally, this book gets a zero out of five stars, but as far as fiction goes, this book gets about three and a half stars out of five. The authors developed their characters very well, but any reader may struggle keeping up with each character through the many two paragraph anecdotes. The book was a bit predictable, but it certainly captured possible reactions of society to apocalyptic events. It was also interesting to see some possible modern applications of prophecy considering today's technology. One area where there was no room to fault the authors was on their amazing research. The Seraph Seal was one of the most clearly researched books I have ever read. There were very few discrepencies with the exception of the concept of translation, and a code being lost in it. Overall, it was a good fictional read with no doctrinal benefit. I would go as far as not to recommend this book to anyone without a biblical understanding of the end times.
Birthday adventures
Friday, May 13, 2011
Churched by Matthew Turner
This review is hard to write. Not because I didn't like the book because I did. Not because I thought the book was wrong because it wasn't. This review is hard to write because it spells out the same spiritual journey I have taken in my life, the same journey that my church has undertaken. The journey where the masks are removed and people are sincere, yet flawed creations. Matthew Turner writes with a humor that does not lessen the importance of his story, but maybe it's easier for me to see that because it's my story as well. He shares anecdotes of his childhood that show what a Christianity about rules rather than Christ leads to. My only problem with this book is that Turner does not offer an alternative, a solution to the problem, but maybe that's because he's still searching for it himself. Maybe that is the solution, to search with a genuine and open heart for the things God has for us.
I give this book five out of five stars because of Turner's ability to honestly grasp the life of someone in this movement. The good and the bad. The right and the wrong. I give This book five stars because it was written by someone who didn't make a knee jerk reaction to something he felt was massively flawed.
I received this book as a part of the "Blogging for Books" program with Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review.
You can purchase this book on the publisher's page here.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Graduation and other fun things
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
Nick of Time took no time at all
Sunday, May 01, 2011
The Chocolate Diaries
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Note to self:
Monday, April 18, 2011
Max On Life
I recently just finished reading Max on Life. I love anything written by Max Lucado, so this book seemed like a no brainer. This book was inspired by all the questions the author receives in his office every day. One thing I liked was that the questions were not rephrased or sugar coated. Neither were the answers. Lucado didn't seem scared to lose readers with his answers. He was more concerned with being biblically correct than politically correct. He shares tender, compassionate answers to people who are genuinely searching and hurting. He shared not just proverbial, hypothetic answers but pieces of his own life. That coupled with the amazing applicable verses form truly inspiring advice and guidance.
This book was formatted very well. It's broken into categories including hope, hurt, help, heaven and hell, and relationship advice. Each page relates a different question and answer. One of my favorite quotes from this book is, "They may be out of God's will but not out of his reach." When I read that I actually stopped, got out a pen, and underlined it. It was a huge encouragement to me. This book is full of quotes that remind us that God is in control
I received this book for free as part of the booksneeze program with Thomas Nelson Publishing. I was not required to give a positive review.
Wonderful features :)
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Are you sure it's only been a week?
Monday, April 11, 2011
My Review of The Final Summit
Saturday, April 09, 2011
Another Book Review!
The first three books stand in my mind as three of my favorite all time books. This book, though good, does not yet join them in that ranking. I may have to read in English to pick up on all the little nuances written into this book. I would also need to review Saint, Showdown, and Sinner, as they have a HUGE role in this book. I usually find if fascinating that Dekker can tie all of his books together, but I found it kind of annoying in this book. Overall, the book was a very fun read, and the translation was very helpful to keeping my Spanish skills sharpened.
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher...
Saturday, April 02, 2011
Friday, April 01, 2011
Adventure in Home Ec
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
My Spring "Break"
Monday, March 28, 2011
Pictures of real life
Saturday, March 26, 2011
What's it cost?
There is one other reason that I struggle with the old testament. I have experienced the Christian life of duty rather than devotion, of law rather than love, and honestly some people live like they must make a choice between Jesus and joy. I always kind of pictured them as "old testament-ish" people. Then these last few days, I dove into the O.T. And Joel and Micah showed me the heart of O.T. saints. Joel tells the people to "rend" their hearts and not their garments and to "return to the Lord." Then today, Micah told me to "do justice, and to love kindness (or steadfast love) and to walk humbly with your God." That was what God required of them before their thousands of sacrifices.
It made me start to think that just like today, God's people then had their Pharisees, but there were also just genuine people who loved their God. So what was the difference? They had a better grasp on the cost of sin. I have a friend who has been reading the O.T., and it .hit her that every time someone sinned, they had to sacrifice a piece of their wealth to atone for it. She asked what we would live like if every time we sinned, we had to pay $100. Wow! I have to admit, I'd think a whole lot more before I sinned. What a shame that the blood of Christ is worth less to us than a little cash.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Whats going on?
Just a thought...
Here's a confession, I yell at God. I stomp my feet. I whine. I just don't understand what happens every day. I fall. And thats ok. As long as i get back up. But here's the thing. Here's the thought of this post. How do we get back up? If you would have asked me, a few years ago, I would had shrugged at you and said, "Get up? Well, um, to do that you kind of have to fall...and well, um, we don't really do that." But now the answer is we have people come up beside us and pick us up. At first, i had a very hard time with this. People came. They tried to help. I pushed them away. How dare they think i was falling...when i was, but over time i grew weak. I couldn't keep pulling myself up by my own boot straps AND keep pushing them away. When the cookies stop looking so perfect, life gets a whole lot easier. I've seen it. I've lived it. I'm watching it happen in others. So my challenge...throw away the cookie cutters. Let them know you fall. Pick them up when they do. But never stop getting up.
Friday, February 25, 2011
My First Book Review :)
I recently received and read Curiosities of the Civil War by Webb Garrison. The first thing to draw me to the book was the extremely attractive cover. Even those who don't enjoy reading about history have to admit that this book was designed very well. As I’m someone who has dabbled somewhat in design, it’s one of the first things I now notice about books or any other media. Throughout this book, the author has woven an intriguing journey through the civil war's little known anecdotes, facts from Lincoln’s presidency to confederate men slaying their own colonel. It jumped around a bit for my brain, but then again, I'm not a civil war enthusiast. However, my friends who are history and social studies majors can't wait to get their hands on this book for present enjoyment and future usefulness. Having recently graduated with an education degree, I also see the value of this book from an educator’s standpoint. This book would be a great tool for any history teacher about to embark on a journey through a civil war unit. It brings the history to life with its fun vignettes about the little known facts of the war. This book is definitely the perfect gift for the historian on your gift list.