Today I got God's Love Letters To You by Larry Crabb in the mail. Tonight I'm reviewing it. Why such a fast turn around? Because it was THAT amazing. I loved it. This book got five stars. While I was reading I would stop and just make my roommate listen to a paragraph, a passage, or a page that I loved. The book highlights 40 books in the Bible with a short love letter "from God" for each. At first, I was a little nervous that the letters would be vague and talking about this nebulous love of God that makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but it wasn't. The book spoke of the real love of God. The God is LOVE love of God. The "letters" are heartfelt, truthful and promote holiness above happiness. I do intend to read one of these a day as intended, but I couldn't put it down. The style reminds me of a Father writing to his daughter. I write to talk to God. I write to figure out what He's trying to teach me. Reading "letters" just helps me. The written word is my best medium for communication.
I received this book free as a part of the "Booksneeze" program by this publisher. I was not required to write a positive review.
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