Anyway, last night was awesome. Charles got first place overall for Teens, and first place for scripture memory. He is praying about travelling for NBT next summer. He would be great at it. I sat with the primary kids (1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade). They were so good, even during the preaching. One of the girls in my class (she doesn't go to our church normally) came running up to me when i got there and gave me a big hug and introduced me to her mom. Pastor told us today that 4-5 adults got saved. That means over 50 people got saved this week. All the kids sang and were presented with awards. After the program was over, we all went outside and signed t-shirts. Every year the church orders t-shirts, everyone gets them signed and then some ppl wear them to Cedar point when the youth group goes.
Here is a picture of Charles with our two evangelists. They were great. You could tell that they really loved God and wanted to serve them with all of their hearts. They are probably the two best evangelists we have ever had for an NBT week. The kids all loved them. They are starting a week on Oregon tomorrow, and we are all praying for them.
Today we had Charles's graduation party. Not a lot of people came, but he has already made out better than i did. However, because less people came than we expected, we had food coming out our ears and we will be eating meatball subs for the rest of our lives. There was a hilarious highlight to the party. We had it at my grandma's church in the gym...well, they doublebooked the church and while we were having a graduation party in the gym, there was a wedding in the we had guys in tuxes walking into the party and looking at us like "what in the world are you doing here?" and we had to tell them how to get to the wedding. I don't know about these people, but if it were my wedding i would have been a little upset about it.
Anyway, i really need to get some sleep before church tomorrow...please pray about the job thing.
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