Saturday, June 03, 2006

Things I learned at Crown College

Here is a list of things I have learned since attending Crown College...some of these are courtesy of my friend Amber who has a similar entry on her blog.

  1. It is possible to live in a room with 5 other girls and not hurt anyone.
  2. When your feet stick to the floor, it is time to clean the floor. (Amber)
  3. The true definition of the word “talking” means “conversing with a member of the opposite sex with the possible intention of dating and/or marriage.” (Amber)
  4. The food will always be great—as long as Pastor Sexton is eating with us. (Amber)
  5. Windex works for everything. It has 1,001+ uses. (Amber)
  6. It is impossible to clean anything with toilet paper. No matter how hard you try, you always get those annoying little white flecks leftover. I would recommend paper towels.
  7. It is possible for couples to stare at each other for 7 hours without any sign of brain activity.
  8. It is possible for a teacher to show you "one great truth" without really showing you anything. (If you don't get this, just wait till you have a Fowler class)
  9. Candy comes in very handy in chapel (or class) to prevent you from falling asleep. **Note: Don't eat candy if you want to fall asleep
  10. You can live without television for 10 months...but there is a tv at Burger King
  11. No matter how well you clean something, your roommate or dormmate will mess it up.
  12. It is possible to live in the US and have absolutely no clue what is going on in the long as the dorms, the new campus, and Wal*mart are all intact, life goes on.
  13. Speaking of Walmart...Anything you could possibly need, you can find at Walmart. If you can't find it at Walmart, you probably didn't need it anyway.
  14. Offering envelopes make the perfect scratch paper (Don't be so shocked, you've done it too)
  15. A "notebook" is defined as a one inch, hardback, three ring, black binder with clear overlay.
  16. You can never have too many page protectors.
  17. You need to buy your notebooks at the Walmart at home because come notebook time, the one on Clinton Hwy is totally sold out.
  18. Whenever you need to print something, the school printer will not be in proper working order.
  19. Always have a jump drive handy...unless your friend who lives 45 minutes away has it and can't seem to return it (sorry, couldn't pass that one up)
  20. It is physically, emotionally, and completely impossible to have a good day on a Monday. (Amber)

****You can send me additions to this list...i'd love to hear some of your lessons learned...Sorry guys i had the perfect picture for this blog...but it won't let me upload it.

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