So i have been here for two days and so far the year seems like it will be pretty good. I got into my dorm and found out that i only have one roommate. That makes me pretty happy since i have been in a six man every other year. Of course, i haven't actually stayed in the dorm yet since my parents are still here. I'm so glad to see everyone again. I missed them so bad. We had a meeting last night, and we had one this morning, but i "accidentally" slept in too late and missed it, but i think i pretty much understand how to give someone a tract, so i think it will be ok. Today there was the "lets force everyone to get together and meet people" picnic. Its not so bad when you know people, but i remember as a freshman the day was total torture. Today i roamed between some different groups. I was hanging out with amber and lauren, but i lost them when they went on the hay ride and didn't find them again until it was almost time to eat. I got to spend some time with amber (different amber for those of you who are getting confused) and heather. After lunch, amber and lauren took off to the hotel...i don't blame them i would have done the same was HOT, but my dad was playing horse shoes and leaving seemed to be out of the question.

So with amber and lauren gone and (other) amber and heather missing in action, i attached myself to yet another group of my friends. So as pictured, Joy, Renee, myself, trisha, leah, and casey took a hay ride. I know i look pretty dorky in the picture, but hey whats new?? I said it was was so hot, my long, thick, curly hair was smothering me...i thought i was going die of heat exhaustion. Amber's mom was awesome, she came through and french braided my hair...i haven't french braided my hair since i was 15, but it definitely did the trick. Well, after i got back from the hay ride, i found heather and amber and we decided to head back to the dorms on one of the shuttles. We got to the dorms and decided we should go do something, so we headed to one of my favorite places in all of knoxville...McKay's. It is a used bookstore with pretty much a book on any subject you're looking for.
Now you may have noticed that i have written this whole thing without mentioning Charles once (ok, so you prolly didn't, just humor me here). Well, to be honest i haven't really seen him much. We got here and got in line for dorm registration, and i left him...i know that sounds pretty harsh, but i am forcing him to make some friends on his own, and i think its working pretty well.
So tomorrow is the day i lose my flip flops. I will be in mourning for a little while. I have been living in them for the summer and i wish i could be living in them for the school year, but oh well...rules are rules for a reason, even when they don't make much sense to us. We are holding auditions for the cast of season 3...but so far i haven't seen anyone who fits quite right...
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