Tuesday, August 01, 2006

My life in a sweat shop

So i looked up the definition of a sweatshop in good old Merriam webster and found this defintion, "a shop or factory in which employees work for long hours at low wages and under unhealthy conditions." Ok so maybe i am making a little more than the 50 cents a day that some kids in tajkistan are getting...but trust me the above definition applies. I do have an alternate definition for "sweatshop" from, "The definitions of Mary." A sweatshop should be defined as a building with few or no windows and huge, noisy, hot machines in which the workers are forced to listen to hours of horrendous noise (sometimes called "music"), and every laborer must lose about 10.3lbs a day due to sweating. On a more serious note...please pray that i make it through this week without getting sick. There is an extreme heat wave...i'm sure most of you are experiencing it too. Anyway the factory i work in is generally 20-25 degrees hotter than outside and i started feeling funny yesterday, and today is supposed to be hotter! Gotta go to work...i'll post again soon

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