Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Walkin' through life
Well that is enough development for that random thought. As for my life, it has been going very well. I just found out on Tuesday night (at midnight after refreshing my email a million times) that i made the Argentina team from school This means in August, I will be travelling to Buenos Aires to help churches and do various other things. This also means that before August, i must raise support to go. Some of you will be receiving letters or emails from me :) I also have to get my passport and all of that paper work done. In other news, one of the boys from my junior church was in a car accident last week. He is in the hospital and has a long road to recovery, but he is doing well. The last big news i can think of right now is that my parents have decided to move. I'm actually talking to my dad right now as hes is sitting in our new house. I still haven't seen pictures or anything, but its going to be an adventure.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Life in the Whirlwind
As for the rest of my life, it's going pretty well. Starting today, nylons are no longer required for dress code. This will save me approximately 4,372 dollars a year. Ok, so maybe not quite so much, but we are all very thankful for and happy with the change. Classes are going fairly well, i can't complain much. I am taking a music class and as of today, i've decided to drop out of school and start playing world renowned concerts on my new recorder. Although some have tried to discourage me (coughrachelcough) :) i think this is going to be my calling, if i can master the C-scale. On the work news front, Monday was great as no children were fatally wounded. At least none of the broken fingers of last week...well, its time to go...i'll try to update a little sooner next time
Thursday, September 25, 2008
What lack of sleep does to you
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Elation at insignificance
Saturday, September 13, 2008
When love is lost...and found again
Friday, September 12, 2008
Uncomfortably genuine
Thursday, September 11, 2008
School started again
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Recapping my summer
Friday, July 11, 2008
Long time comin'
So here it is. My first post in a very long time. I am well aware that I have not held up to one post a week. It’s been an interesting summer. Camp has been fun and long. I miss friends and family but I’m learning a ton. I went to ambers wedding…it was so great to be back all together again. This weekend is the staff summer party. Which means a lot of fun and games. Ive already been eliminated from the basketball tournament. Big surprise. Anyway, im here and im alive and ive learned a lot this summer which I will discuss at some later point when I don’t have things to be doing…so prolly when I get home…O and my computer is getting fixed so when I get home it should be working and happy again!!!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
A different week
This past week was definitely different and it stretched me more than any week so far. Monday night I was serving my aisle…I served the first bowls of food, collected water pitchers and returned to the kitchen to fill them. It was then that Mr. Gustafson, the program director and my old youth director, walked up to me. His first words were something along the lines of “Here at camp we are pretty flexible” I continued my work and nodded…then I heard something that stopped me dead in my tracks. “and youre going to be a counselor this week” I tried to breathe…I had no idea what to do as a counselor and that is the moment God began His week long stretching process on my life. I had 8 campers…they were very diverse, and I had to find a way to bring unity to the cabin. I can’t say that by the end of the week they were best friends, but they finally began to communicate. None of them seemed to make life changing decisions but there were small changes by the end of the week. I loved it and it was a great experience…of course im not going to say the stretching didn’t hurt at times, but God taught me a lot this week.
Monday, June 02, 2008
First Day on the job...
So waitressing was way easier than I expected. Campers are here and they are hungry…and Nana’s food is just what they want. Of course, this is a low week, and I only had 3 tables…with great counselors (including charles) who got their tables in line pretty fast. Next week we’ll have way more…over double, so the thought of that is pretty daunting. I almost wish I could tell you some funny story of something really dumb I did, but at the same time, I’m glad I can tell you that no such thing happened. Waitressing was really a blast. I could tell you about the dive bombing bugs that attacked Kim and I last night at the pool, and made us run for the hills, but that’s pretty much the whole story on that one too. O and there is a group from West Coast here who are traveling around helping camps…and one of the guys used to go to Crown with me…talk about a small world. Anyway, I gotta run and get ready for the evening service…love and miss you all!!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Bringing it into focus
So today was the first Saturday here at camp, and it was definitely nice to have a break around here. Living with my roommates is anything but boring. Last night I went to bed dreaming of sleeping in until 7:45, only to wake up at 6 am to hear about 5 people getting up to deep clean the trailer we are living in. All I kept thinking when I looked at the clock was that I didn’t know that 6am on Saturday morning even existed. Despite my desire to get out of bed and lovingly rebuke them with the back of my hand J , I resisted the urge and slept off and on until about 7:30. Saturdays are the days that everyone comes a gives the camp an overhaul cleaning to get ready for the next week. It was a pretty light day today since we’ve been cleaning all week and campers have not yet arrived to make messes J. We were done before 10 when we all got together for a massive and amazing brunch. Then we hung out for a bit before Charles and I went to town. “Going to town” consists of driving about 45 minutes to Shreveport and enjoying the Walmart, target, and mall. I even bought three heavy sweaters (of course, I bought them to wear at school) at Old Navy for three dollars a piece. They were three dollars because it is summer in LA, and that means it’s about 95 degrees out right now. Maybe they got the boxes meant for Anchorage….Anyway, now we’re back at camp just hanging around and I’m going to go swimming tonight. Charles informed me that there was a dead scorpion in the pool last night…I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the wildlife here…
The other thing I wanted to tell you all about was how my focus has changed since I’ve gotten here…I got here and I was pretty frustrated about how everything wasn’t going the way I wanted it to. I was being pretty selfish. I even had a friend call me so I could just unload. The next day, I sent them a text thanking them for listening and they returned a text telling me that they hoped I had a great summer with no regrets that would hopefully make a difference in someone else’s life. That’s all it took was for someone to remind me that this is not all about me, but about what God can do through me in the life of campers….i’m trying to remember that all summer…
Keep praying J and my email address is coming on Monday!!!
Friday, May 30, 2008
My first week at camp
Well, this is the first time I have made it to a computer since arriving here at camp. It is also the first day that the general email account has been set up. I will be getting my own email address by Monday, at which time I will let you know what that email address is. A few highlights from my experience so far…upon arriving to camp I found that I was going to be rooming in the “waitress trailer.” The waitress trailer is where all the waitresses live…in one room. That’s right…I live in the same room with nine girls besides myself. At first the thought was not something I liked to entertain, but I have gotten used to it, and I really don’t mind living in such close quarters. While I’m here I have a variety of jobs to do, including waitressing, cleaning (primarily laundry), and working in the craft shop. It has been interesting. One thing that happened that I can not even begin to say I enjoyed, occurred last night when one of the girls in the trailer called me over to kill our friendly neighborhood cockroach…it was HUGE!!! About 2 inches long… We don’t grow ‘em that big in PA (or WI for that matter). This week has been pretty good though, and after the initial shock, I am thoroughly enjoying my time here. I got to go swimming in the pool last night with all the tree frogs…that was interesting as well…anyway, I should prolly go now so someone else can use the one computer that all 55 of the summer staff use. I will be emailing everyone as soon as I get my email address. And just to let you know, I can’t read the comments u might leave on this post, but feel free to comment away, and I’ll read them when I’m at amber’s wedding in June!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
This is a Test
Putting things in order
Anyway...lots going on in my head right going to try to get some sleep and sort everything out in the morning.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Why did the weekend end??
Friday, May 16, 2008
The time in between...
I leave for camp a week from today. It's crazy...I finally have plans to do things, and i'm leaving. Yep, thats right, i have plans for the next few days. So, i might finally have something to blog about instead of babbling on about meaningless drivel.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
For my working girls
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

quick update
Rough week
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
I'm home...for now
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Almost done...
Friday, April 18, 2008
Procrastination = Exhaustion
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Not what i should be...
Yesterday was just one of those days where everything goes wrong. Little having my ride home fall having to work in an unfamiliar environment, not knowing where anything is, and seemingly assuring parents that i have no competence whatsoever to watch their children...then staying at work an extra half hour trying to figure out how to close the room in which i had never previously worked. Then, after finally being able to return to my dorm room, imagine my suprise when i got on a national news site, only to read that the airline on which i was going to fly to TN decided to cease operations immediately, so much for that great fifty dollar travel voucher they sent me.
Then i had a discussion with a good friend of mine of how fake Christians are, and the sad fact is, as a whole, Christians can't dispute the fact. Where have all the genuine Christians who want to live their lives to impact others gone? When did we fall into this rut of wanting to look like we deserve God's mercy? Heads up people...we don't deserve it. Don't you remember? Christ ate with the publicans and sinners, not the Pharisees who seemed to have it all put together. If God was coming for the perfect, He wouldn't have come at all...we all fail. But God loved us, and when we were horrible wretched sinners, He reached down and gave us His Son. So, why can't we reach out to that neighbor who has an old box from a 12-pack in his trash every week. Why can't we share the gospel with that girl who is expecting a little girl in a few months that she is going to be raising alone? Never forget who you were before Christ came into your life. You're a sinner. You're responible for the nails that were pounded into Christ's wrists. But what a blessing that He did it as a free gift for us. How amazing that He loved a wretched sinner so much that He died for them...for me...for you? And yet we can't even bear looking at the person next door. Since when is it our choice who to share God's love with? Guess im not what i should be...
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Hives aren't just for bees...

Thursday, March 27, 2008
My plans for the rest of my life...
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Jesus loves me...
Jesus loves me despite my sin
When i let the world come in
He who died to set me free
Has to watch me live for me
Jesus loves me i know its true
He shows it every day anew
Yet i live life my own way
Never pausing just to pray.
Jesus loves me when i fall
And He watches over all
He picks me up and heals my pain
Then lets me down to try again
Jesus loves me and i pray
For desire to serve Him every day
Help me to my Lord be true
Serving Him in all i do.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Quick RUN!!! this is gonna be a serious post!!
Last night at church, i got hit hard with something that i've always seen but never really appreciated before. Why is it in a time when so many Christians get out of the will of God, God has allowed me to stay protected from the dangers and ravages of sin. Why, when so many people have wandered away, has He kept me right with Him? Why, when there were times that i didn't care and i wanted to do my own thing, did He not let me stray? Why, when some Christians have been so much stronger than i, has He allowed them to fall, and i haven't? Why have some parents tried and battled to keep their kids on the right path only to see them follow a different path, and my parents have never really battled, and yet i'm serving God. It really doesn't seem fair. But the thing about grace is it makes life not fair.
Then, it all makes me a little nervous. If some of the strongest Christians i know have fallen, why can't i fall? I can, and that scares me. I can start to wander down a path that leads me to some serious hurt. One incident and i can be falling down a mountain of sin, getting battered and bruised the whole way down. I don't understand why God has protected me this far. I don't understand why the same people who kept me accountable growing up and through my first few years of college are the ones now that i'm praying for a turn around in their lives. Just to let you all know, when you turn from God, it does hurt. It hurts God. It breaks His heart, but He's not going to strong arm you into loving him because then thats not really love at all. It hurts me. It kills me to see friends going down the wrong path, to know they know the right way, and they don't even care. It hurts you. You might not see it now, and you probably don't care, but someday, hopefully before whatever you're doing kills you, you're gong to turn around and see the wreck you've made of your life and you're going to wish you could have started over. I have so many people i'm writing this for...most of whom will never read it. And if you are reading this and you're in my place, be careful, don't let Satan pull you down...
Thomas, you'll never read this but this was for u
Ok, serious post over...spring break continues to be amazing!!!!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Spring Bliss
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Give me a (spring) break!
Anyway, i'm going home tomorrow!!!!! I seriously can't wait, but unfortunately i have to go study....ugh...this is cruel and unusual
Saturday, March 01, 2008
No one warned me about growing up...
Ok, so i have no idea where that post came from...but im going to go get ready for bed and take some meds...and drift off into a medication induced sleep, which just brings more strange dreams...YAY!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Life is a highway...kinda
Sunday, February 24, 2008
It ended well :-)
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Strolling down memory lane...
Monday, February 18, 2008
My stay at hotel sickly
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Let it snow, let it snow, let it stop
Yeah there's a giant chicken