Wednesday, June 15, 2011

This one got it!

I guess it's book review Wednesday on here, but thankfully, I can give this book a much better review! I read It's Not About Me by Max Lucado, and I was really excited about it because in a world where its all about "self-esteem" and making yourself feel good, this book got it! Its not about me, its about God. Of course I LOVE Lucado's writing style and ability to say what he means without beating around any bushes. The book starts with a section focused on thinking about our God and how amazing He really is. When you have a right view about God, it's easier to make it ALL ABOUT HIM! It was nice just to sit and reflect on the different aspects of God. Then comes the section about making it all about God. Everything we have is for his glory, our things, our bodies, our friends, our family...everything. This book just really made me think about times when I say it's all about Him, and then live like its all about me. That thing you just felt was a glimpse of the conviction this book hit me with. I reccomend it to be a part of the library of any person that seek to glorify God with their entire life.

I received this book from the publisher for free as a part of the "Booksneeze" program. I was not require to write a positive review

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