Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving BREAK!

So here i am at Erica's house, and I'm enjoying my Thanksgiving break. It really has been a break. There hasn't been any crazy running around, just time to sit back and relax. AND most importantly, time to catch up on some much needed Facebook. We had an amazingly delicious Thanksgiving dinner. I've also gotten to do my laundry (without scrounging for quarters). The only sad part of this weekend is that we came to the conclusion that our Tennesee trip just isn't going to work out this semester. It's sad...i really wanted to go and i was looking forward to seeing friends and meeting new ppl.

But the most important thing is: I'LL BE HOME THREE WEEKS FROM TONIGHT!!!! ok so im just a little excited about it. Anyway, we're about to go eat dinner in a little bit and i have to attack erica for trying to whip me with her hair. :-D

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