Friday, May 30, 2008

My first week at camp

Well, this is the first time I have made it to a computer since arriving here at camp.  It is also the first day that the general email account has been set up.  I will be getting my own email address by Monday, at which time I will let you know what that email address is.  A few highlights from my experience so far…upon arriving to camp I found that I was going to be rooming in the “waitress trailer.”  The waitress trailer is where all the waitresses live…in one room.  That’s right…I live in the same room with nine girls besides myself.  At first the thought was not something I liked to entertain, but I have gotten used to it, and I really don’t mind living in such close quarters.  While I’m here I have a variety of jobs to do, including waitressing, cleaning (primarily laundry), and working in the craft shop.  It has been interesting.  One thing that happened that I can not even begin to say I enjoyed, occurred last night when one of the girls in the trailer called me over to kill our friendly neighborhood cockroach…it was HUGE!!! About 2 inches long… We don’t grow ‘em that big in PA (or WI for that matter).  This week has been pretty good though, and after the initial shock, I am thoroughly enjoying my time here.  I got to go swimming in the pool last night with all the tree frogs…that was interesting as well…anyway, I should prolly go now so someone else can use the one computer that all 55 of the summer staff use.  I will be emailing everyone as soon as I get my email address.  And just to let you know, I can’t read the comments u might leave on this post, but feel free to comment away, and I’ll read them when I’m at amber’s wedding in June!

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